Service Centre:
- Quenching the thirst with buttermilk.
- Clothes to Orphanage.
- Donated to the poor on the Diwali day.
- Mruthinjaya Homam.
Green Brigade:
- Ground cleaning.
- Republic day - Rally.
- Rally - Green Brigade.
- Students sent to Green Brigade workshop.
Karuna Club:
- Skit on compassion.
- Robotics demo.
- Cleaning the street.
- Plant in play ground.
Red Ribbon Club:
- Red ribbon club - competition.
- Red ribbon club in the rally.
- Environment awareness speech.
Special Activities:
- Devine visit of Lord Renganatha.
- Blessings from Pujya Guruji.
- Tapovam Maharaj Jayanthi.
- Gurudev's Arathana day bajan sandhya by OSAC.
- Culture Quiz conducted by OSAC students.
- Recording for FM Radio.
- Tips for facing the exam without fear.
- Book fair in the campus.
- Brain power workshop.
- Gita chanting finals - Prize winners.