· Science Practical, Inter Programmes and Club Activities are
arranged on Saturdays
and attendance for these sessions is a must.
· Saturdays are book free days. Four prolonged approach to the
child’s growth through
CVP us sincerely planned and executed.
1. Integrated Development
2. Patriotism
3. Indian Culture
4. Universal Outlook
Chinmaya Vision Programme is the speciality of the School.
Reduction in the drudgery of homework through worksheets.
Mobile teaching Aid on wheels – A TV on wheels facility is given
for all the classes to learn the academic classes effectively and interestingly.
Dance, Music, Drawing, Craft, Silambam, Karate, Band are
the hobbies opened to VI to VIII Students.
School Oriented Clubs in Operation – Literary Club, Culture Club
Fine arts, Science Club.
Service Clubs in Operation – Karuna Club, EXNORA, Greer Brigade,
Chinmaya Service Centre Activities are planned and conducted throughout the
Scouts and Guides, Red Ribbon Club and Junior Red Cross are
additional activities, opened to only interested studies.
Van facility is available
All the fees are received through banks.
Summer camp is conducted for all the students(III to IX)
Sports activities are given equal importance
Excursions, Study tour are organized for all the classes
Inter School, Intra
School competitions are
regularly conducted.
Science exhibition, Club exhibitions, Book exhibitions are
organized yearly. Once atleast.